Becoming a chartered accountant in india is a dream of many Indian students and aspirants who look forward to earn good money and live comfortable lives. But the more money and comfort you want, the more hours for studying you will be required to add to your schedule. More techniques you’ll need to learn in order to save time. In such cases, seeking professional help is not a matter of shame but is also appreciated and deemed to be the decision of an intelligent mind.
Not only it is one of the most difficult exams to crack, conducted by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the course of study can bring a lot of stress. Sure there are inspiring stories of people who landed their dreams job without any help or coaching but doing so is a great risk that can threaten your career and waste precious years of the prime of your life. The wise decision is to make the best of everything you can avail. Include coaching for the prospect of grabbing your dream job because a little help from the fellow learned humans never hurt anyone.
What makes it worth your while is that Chartered Accounting is a high paying job with abundance of perks both financially and socially. Not only it blows away your money problems but also makes sure you’re highly regarded in the eyes of the society and accepted in the social circles that are good for your personal growth as well as professional. Who doesn’t feel proud to be introduced as a CA? The prestige that comes with it outweighs the fact that this is one of the highest paying job in the accounting, tax and any other sectors. Hence the years of patience and hard work that you must have for passing the exam for this job as well as proper guidance.
Now, when we talk about hard work, it is a known fact that we Indians are one of the hardest workers on the planet. Our dedication is second to no one. Once we set our minds to do something we can achieve it with sheer endeavour and our extra ordinary will power. For this reason, many fields see the tough competitions on so many levels such as CA. Extremely competitive and passed with a lot of difficulty, coaching becomes a necessity in this field to understand the nuances that are present here with which new aspirants may not be familiar with.
Certain topics that are not feasible to the naïve students. The students who can only be determined to follow the path of dedication. But if such students are left to fend for themselves in this environment of wolf hunt competition, directionless and without guidance, how will they find the right path that will take them to their destination without a mounting debt and permanent stress causing mental health problems that will surely spread down and affect their physical health as well?
We at the Chetan Malik Classes not only claim to be one of the best CA coaching institute in the capital city of India but we’re very well ready to prove the claim as well with nothing but facts that will allow you to be look for yourself if we’re the right choice of partner for you in your quest for excellence. As you already know, and if you don’t it time for you to know, that our official motto is – It’s not an exaggeration but a fact. Now it’s time for you to use your fact checking machine that a called brain while we prove our points and strengths that makes us the topmost choice to be your companion and guide in your long perilous road to comfortable seat of an Chartered Accountant.
Delhi as the capital of India obviously holds an important position in the lives of Indian citizens whether they live in it or not. Here you can find people from around the country in search of livelihood. Some go back empty handed and some make opportunities not only for themselves but others as well. We’re proud to belong to the latter category. We are a premier institute that provides opportunities and hopes in the guise of coaching classes to the aspirants of the various fields but today our focus in on the Chartered Accounting.
Do not mistake us for a technical university who disregard the use of philosophy of life that helped the life sciences such as the one we teach has come into the existence. Not bashing of the old Greek philosophers who shaped the subjects that we are also a part of today. Even our styles and attitudes of teaching are shaped by the thought of famous philosophical discourses. For us, the knowledge is not merely cramming of data into your minds or a concept that is limited to any personal misinformed understanding.
Knowledge, we believe is a requirement of students to perform better in their lives. For the weak links of the classes, it is an opportunity to show, and more importantly, to prove to themselves their worth. For the already bright students it is further advancement to the glorious path of light on which they already have their eyes set from the beginning. There the knowledge was conceived for the greatness that we help you to achieve. The idea that you grew in your mind is the root source of your goals taking shapes and the limited knowledge you had at the time evolved to remain relevant to those ideas.
This simple yet factual philosophy, a big one still for technical people, has played an important role in shaping us as an institution where hard work is rewarded with completion of dreams and social classes are no barriers for the dreamers. It is this idea of the evolution of a simple desire that turns into an idea and eventually into the dreams of a mind that we were able to fulfil many of the wishes of those who came to us with nothing but hopes of a better future.
Given that the Chartered Accounting is a highly competitive field that sees a tough competition each and every year, it is important to be shown the similar type of aggressive grasp on your means that you have on your goals. For this purpose, we have kept our methods as engaging as possible that not only challenges you to learn and be a better version of yourself but also create learning environment where we make sure professionally healthy rivalries are not turned into personal and lifelong enmities.Â
The youth for us is not merely a money making tool but we care about both their personal and professional growth as well. Our methods come into the effect only after thorough realization of the individual needs of each and every single one of the student that come seeking our help. A creative mind, a sense of understanding regarding not only their personal selves but that of the others too, a compassionate soul and a reliable source of inspiration are few of the many goals we seek to achieve with every batch of ours.
If any if our students lack compassion to make a thoughtful decisions then it is us who must be at the fault. But neither has that happened nor it will. The secret recipe to that is not a big secret in itself but a simple understanding that limitation to too much theory or only the academic aspects of a field of study is not the proper way to teach anyone anything. Practicality of the facts should be proven and not merely stated in order to make the students more confident in themselves. This is how you make builders of a better and safer future.
We have a total philosophical approach to the matter of individuality of pupils just like the old thinkers of the past have highlighted it in their texts and philosophies. This the reason that our faculty is enthusiastic to get to know their students on a personal level that will enable them to be better teacher themselves. If there is smooth relation between teachers and their students that it is a given fact that harmony among the students is not a distant dream. This is why thrive to make the environment inside our institute orderly, safe and supportive for them.
Our academic programs are designed by ourselves with our pupils be made the topmost priority. for the same reason, our students are given face to face classes and a chance to clear their doubts and prompt healthy and productive discussion instead of just handing out photocopy of printed notes that is no better than self-study.
You must ask what all of this boasting is about but we have to let you know that we only talk in facts and not wishful thinking. The second question you are likely to put forward after not being fully satisfied with the first one is that how the plethora of initiatives and task are achieved by an institute that is still only working towards making and securing a name for itself. An institution that already claims to be one of the best is still working on becoming the best. How is that even possible.
Well, to tell you the truth. There is another secret recipe. Or method, if you want to keep the language formal. The second secret, just like the first one, is not so much of a secret as it is another discipline based method. And that is having a senior, intelligent and hard-working faculty that not makes great friends with their students but strive to be better persons to each other as well.
Now the self-praising has gone on for far too long and evidences has been as clearer as they were before. There will be no more of it and now it is a task for you to find out our students in the CA top rankings all over the India. We have put our students into all India top rankings and there is very little on our side to prove that.
But to clear the doubts about achievements of other is not an impossible task. Moreover when you have the most solid way to prove the quality of your educated staff and teaching. We at Chetan Malik Classes give are giving out free online demo classes by none other than the Chetan Malik itself, the founder of our glorious and over achieving institute. What better than free demo classes where you wouldn’t have to pay any joining fee or take a bus or expensive taxi to reach any destination? we’ll tell you what. The free demo classes covering all of the important aspects of the course of method you’ll be enrolling to study under us here.
The free demo classes cover very important concepts and areas like Taxation, cost, Finance ministry and economy, accounts, advanced accounts by the founder himself who happens to be an undisputed expert in the field. Apart from him, there are many other senior faculty member who will benefit you with their skills of teaching and knowledge of the subjects in which they speak.
For example, the institute’s other experienced and skillful faculty members Shivali Agarwal teaches Law and Audit for CA preparation on which her introductory classes are included in the free demo classes. On the other hand, another senior teacher of ours, Sunita Mittal, the much respected and known for her sophistication and humble disposition, teaches math to the CA aspirants. Just like the above mentioned mentors and the fields of expertise they have, Sunita Mittal’s demo class for the introductory Math is also free. These demo classes can easily be found on Youtube under the name of CMC – the Chetan Malik Classes.
Now that we have brought the facts to the lights that proves that our endeavours to become the best in the field are certainly working. We are moving closer to become the best in the field. Now it’s your turn to try our free demo classes and think about whether we’ll be a good guidance for you.